Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Today I encourage everyone to take the time to 'really' read these comments and to leave your own comments about your own experience with Teen Challenge!
You can read or post comments by clicking on either of the posts below:
You can read more comments here:
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Attention Teen Challenge: The Bill to Stop "Kiddie Gulag" Industry Passes House!
To read an in-depth article please visit- http://www.dailykos.com/story/2008/7/2/114611/5680/781/545366
Monday, May 05, 2008
Dogemperor at Daily Kos: An In-Depth Series on Abuse at Teen Challenge
Part 1: Teen Challenge: The Assemblies' Own "Kiddie Gulag"
Part 2: Teen Challenge: Coercive Groups Disguised as Rehab
Part 3: Teen Challenge: A Typical Week in the "Jesus Gulag"
Part 4: Teen Challenge: Life Within the "Jesus Gulag"
Part 5: Teen Challenge: Possible Missionary Mill?
Part 6: Teen Challenge: The Depths of Coercion at a "God Warrior" Training Camp
Part 7: Teen Challenge: Sex Abuse and Sexual Predators
Part 8: Teen Challenge: Court-Ordered Coercion and CYA Indemnity Contracts
Part 9: Teen Challenge: Your Tax Dollars, Paying For Institutionalised Abuse
Links:Sunday, January 13, 2008

Thursday, September 20, 2007
Known Front Groups for the Assemblies of God
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Teen Challenge is a Mission of the Assemblies of God!
This post is for those of you who don't believe that Teen Challenge is a Mission of the Assemblies of God! Here is the proof:
Missions of the Assemblies of God - http://usmissions.ag.org/
The Assemblies of God U.S. Missions is comprised of six departments, which includes TEEN CHALLENGE! - http://usmissions.ag.org/top/faqs.cfm
You can also find the link to the Teen Challenge Mission on the Assemblies of God website by going to the links on the left of their website and clicking on "Missions" and then "U.S.Missions".http://ag.org/top/
And, as I've stated before- The Teen Challenge websites do not make the public aware that Teen Challenge is actually a Mission of the Assemblies of God Church!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Teen Challenge Programs Draw Some Criticisms About Methodology, Funding
By Maggie Stehr
Daily Press Writer
Published on Sunday, August 19, 2007
According to the organization’s Web site, Teen Challenge programs are the “solution to the addiction crisis.” Since opening in 1958 and with more than 170 centers in the U.S., Teen Challenge officials claim to have cured thousands from drug and alcohol addictions.
But such testimonials have drawn criticisms from some former students, civil liberties experts and addiction specialists.
Some experts have argued that because some Teen Challenge centers and students receive federal funding, the programs violate the separation between religion and government. High success rates have contributed to ongoing governmental support of the faith-based drug treatment program, but not without opposition.
“These figures dramatically distort the truth, as they represent the successful treatment rate of only those participants who do not drop out of the program before completion, which includes less than one-fifth (18 percent) of the total number of students who actually participated,” argued Samantha Smoot, executive director of Texas Freedom Network Education Fund, which promotes church-state separation. In 2001, Smoot testified in Congress that funding for Teen Challenge should instead go towards secular drug rehab programs with stronger medical components.
Other opponents of Teen Challenge have labeled the evangelical groups as cults, alleging psychological abuse and manipulation by staff members.
Vicki Proffit, director of Teen Challenge House of Promise near Olathe, denies such negative claims but acknowledges the program contains a strong Christian focus.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Obviously Teen Challenge Didn't Work For This Teen Challenge Graduate
Winnipeg Theft News - Friday August 17, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Recovery Center Plan Draws Concern From Neighbors
KVAL News- August 16, 2007- Eugene, Oregon:
Friday, August 10, 2007
Why Does Teen Challenge Need to Be Investigated?

- The "Investigating Teen Challenge" Web Forum at- http://wwf.fornits.com/viewforum.php?f=57, which is proudly hosted on Fornits Home for Wayward Web Fora Forum (http://fornits.com/wwf/index.php). Fornits Forum covers many of the Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification and Thought Reform facilities!
- "Behind the Walls: The Teen Challenge You Won't See" by Michael Kincheloe - http://www.teenchallengeexposed.com/
- A very active thread about Teen Challenge at- http://www.topix.net/forum/city/minneapolis-mn/TN94VATH520HE9UQM#lastPost
- Another thread on Teen Challenge at- http://www.topix.net/forum/blogs/TEV4TDE8D9LDKTISS
- A Thread at The Bismarck Tribune - http://www.bismarcktribune.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=33
- Many more opinions about Teen Challenge can be found here- http://www.badsamaritan.com/archives/2001/10/the_teen_challenge_lady.php
- "Returning to Sanity" - http://www.exchristian.net/testimonies/2006/02/returning-to-sanity.html
- A new thread about Teen Challenge called- 'Subsidized Religion in MA' at Aces Full of Links - http://www.drmomentum.com/aces/archives/002976.html
- NEW: "Exploring and Exposing Dominionist Christianity" - http://community.livejournal.com/dark_christian/894971.html
- NEW: "watchpaul: Could it happen here?" - http://watchpaul.blogspot.com/2007/06/could-it-happen-here.html
- "The Texas Faith-Based Initiative at Five Years: Warning Signs as PresidentBush Expands Texas-style Program at National Level" - http://www.tfn.org/files/fck/TFN%20CC%20REPORT-FINAL.pdf
- To learn more about the the faith-based initiative, go to Americans United for Separation of Church and State website- "The 'Faith-Based' Initiative- Churches, Social Services & Your Tax Dollars" - http://www.au.org/site/News2?abbr=resources&page=NewsArticle&id=9051&security=1441&news_iv_ctrl=2422
- "Charitable Choice, Faith-Based Partnerships, and the Public Funding Of Religion" - http://www.atheists.org/public.square/charitablechoice.html
- "A Stark Truth For Policy Makers: Data Lacking to Support Claims of Faith-Based Social Program Success" - http://www.atheists.org/flash.line/faith14.htm
- "Faith Without Works" - http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/features/2004/0410.sullivan.html
- I am also posting the following web forum just in case someone feels it would suit them- , the "Ex-Pentecostal Forum" - http://p212.ezboard.com/bexpentecostalforums
- Read more about the Ex-Pentecostal Forum at the "Association of Former Pentecostals" - http://expentecostals.org/index.htm
- JESUS ‘LOVE-BOMBS' YOU - By Chris Hedges. http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/jesus_love_bombs_you/
Friday, July 13, 2007
Something to Really Think About!!!
The following is from the Lebanon Daily News Jun 29, 2007:
I really don't believe that a judge would have imposed such a sentence if he/she was informed of the fact that Teen Challenge is not a drug and alcohol treatment center!
I would also like to point out the following court conviction that really deserves attention! Why? Because most of you already know that Teen Challenge states that they do not take in people who have prior sexual offenses or violent offenders. Obviously, that is not true!
The following is from the Lansing State Journal July 5, 2007:
The following is from the Criminal Court Docket (published July 13, 2007) in Cumberland County, Tennessee:
type of criminals live in the Teen Challenge near you!*
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Understanding Why Eureka, CA Residents Have So Many Issues With Teen Challenge
From this point out, not only will the posts on my blog make much better sense to you, but you will also learn about aspects that you may not have even known about how Teen Challenge operates!
Below, I have posted the news articles from both the Times-Standard and The Eureka Reporter. Please take the time to read them before Teen Challenge comes to a city near you!

- Challenges to Teen Challenge 06/04/07 Comments(35)
- Next Time, Go The Extra Mile 06/09/07 Comments(11)
- Good News, Bad News 06/10/07 Comments(7)
- Recovery Facility Approved 06/20/07 Comments(32)
- UPDATE: Property Buy Falls Through; Redwood Teen Challenge Back To Drawing Board 07/14/07 Comments (57)

- Housing Facility Still An Issue- Residents Gather to Discuss Concerns Over Teen Challenge Project 5/22/07
- Inside Teen Challenge- Participants, Recovering Addicts Discuss Program; Lawsuit May Be On Horizon 5/25/07
- A License or Jesus? - Teen Challenge Director Says He's Not Willing to Compromise Program Philosophy 6/1/07
- A Law That Suits Or A Lawsuit? 6/25/07
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Dallas Residents Urge Others to Sign Their Petition So They Can Stop Teen Challenge From Locating Next to Girl Scout Camp!

As of this morning, 441 people have signed a petition begging the city not to allow Teen/Life Challenge of Dallas to set up camp next to the Girl Scouts' longtime home at Camp Whispering Cedars. According to Allen Gwinn, this week the city's Planning Commission is set to take up the request of Teen/Life Challenge, which wants to buy and rezone the former Camp El-Har to accommodate up to 100 men!
Read more here: Fury Over Plan for Rehab Near Girl Scout Camp
The Petition can be found here: Petition in Opposition of Teen/Life Challenge of Dallas, Inc., Zoning Case No. Z067-191
Thursday, May 10, 2007
"No sexual abuse allegations at Teen Challenge? Bull crap!"
"No sexual abuse allegations at Teen Challenge? Bull crap!"
"There is no question that eliminating basic health and safety standards made operations easier for a few faith-based programs in Texas, however the lack of minimum standards has threatened the safety of those participating in the program. In 1998, a boy filed suit against Dallas Teen Challenge Boys Ranch and Assemblies of God, alleging that a counselor, who was a convicted drug trafficker, sexually molested him and two other boys. The lawsuit also claimed that the ranch’s Executive Director, the church and the ranch’s board knowingly hired people with criminal histories to serve as counselors." (Austin American-Statesman, 5/13/1998)
More here: http://www.texnews.com/1998/texas/molest0513.html
"Texas Freedom Network, a 23,000-member non-partisan grassroots watchdog group based in Austin conducted a five-year study of the policy and found, “As exempt faith-based drug treatment centers, [such] facilities are not required to have licensed chemical dependency counselors, conduct staff training or criminal background checks, protect client confidentiality rights, adhere to state health and safety standards, or report abuse, neglect, emergencies and medication errors.”
"And if you really want to have a look at sexual abuse cases involving the Assemblies of God Church (which runs all Teen Challenge programs) have a look at this page!" - http://sportsforum.ws/the-tavern/t-the-official-post-all-your-stupid-religious-propaganda-shit-in-here-thread-153972.html
Note- The original source for the above page is here: http://reformation.com/
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Teen Challenge's Primary Purpose
"Mr. Soemo (Phoenix Center Director for "Teen Challenge") openly admitted that the primary purpose of Teen Challenge is the promotion of a specific religious belief system. He made it clear his focus is conversion." "In conclusion, Teen Challenge represents a direct violation of the guidelines of our religious manual which preclude any "proselytizing."
An organization, which has as it's primary goal "confrontational evangelism," obviously has no place within ADOC religious programs. Unlike Christian denominations, which may contain an evangelical message within the context of their denominational liturgical service, this organization has confrontational evangelism as its stated goal and essentially its only function.
Chaplains throughout the ADOC are expected to facilitate religious programming in a neutral, non-biased manner. Teen Challenge therefore presents an obvious problem. Any chaplain who engages in facilitating a program for this organization could easily be seen as assisting in proselytizing."
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Prayer for Intercession for Joe
27 April 2007"Joe left teen challenge yesterday and is enrolling in a salvation army program instead. The teen challenge program was a little too much for him—no visitation, can’t communicate with family—he really wants to be able to see his son. The mandatory fasting two days a week shocked him as well. The salvation army program is a 6 month residency program that allows attendees to visit family, and even hold a job after a period of time. It is also a Christ-centered program. The other good news is that his insurance apparently will cover the new program, which means he does not need our support. I thank you all for your prayers and for your eager willingness to support Joe in this major life change. Please keep praying, but use your resources to bless another. It is our willingness to give that pleases God, not the act of giving. May He richly blessed for your generosity."
Saturday, March 31, 2007
I have compared the Teen Challenge Daily Schedule, Overview of the Teen Challenge Program and the Student Guidelines to the BITE Model and was absolutely convinced that Teen Challenge uses the majority of these mind control tactics! Print them all out! I think you will be convinced also!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
"I was at Teen Challenge in Nashville, and I can honestly say that I left because I felt as if I were part of an infomercial for Teen Challenge to receive money. We were guests at many churches in and around the area and each time we were all herded to the front of the church and without choice and whether or not we were okay yet we were to tell our story of how the program had completely changed our lives, even if we had only been there for two days. I can understand the God part of it because I do know that he is the only one that can completely heal us of our addictions, but come on....once you get out of there you need to have been taught the skills to live in the real world and not the world of teen challenge where each and every move you make is monitored and punished. You cannot force someone that has no Christian background to stand up in a church and praise God and beg for money to help others like themselves if they haven't even gotten the help they need yet. It is like Bible College and Military Bootcamp all rolled into one and for someone who may not even know who they are yet it can be so overwhelming. I do know it helps some people, because I have seen it, but I also know that it can drive some people right back to the world they came from because if you feel that it is not the place for you and discuss leaving with them you are given the third degree and told by EVERYONE you come on contact with on your way out that you are making the worst mistake of your life and that you will never make it. You will die if you leave there because Satan will attack you so hard that you cannot possibly survive. That IS NOT what an addict who is really trying to get better needs to hear. You cannot scare someone into getting sober. It is a hard thing to do in the first place and to me compassion and love go a lot farther than bullying someone into becoming a "Robot " for the sake of Teen Challenges survival as a program. Let time be the proof, when many who have been helped simply let others know that Teen Challenge may be what they need, because it helped them. If you have more people dropping out of the program then staying and "Graduating" then there is obviously a problem."
Monday, March 26, 2007
NATIONAL CHARITY REPORTS INDEX - This page lists the current BBB Wise Giving Alliance reports on charities and other organizations that solicit nationally.
TEEN CHALLENGE'S REPORT: http://charityreports.give.org/Public/Report.aspx?CharityID=1300
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Blog article:
Newspaper article:
NOTE: This is an absolutely incredible article and I highly recommend reading it in its entirety!!!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
The truth, Mr. Johnson and many other social scientists say, is that there is little reliable research proving the effectiveness of religious programs. They also add that there is scant evidence showing which religious programs show the best results and how they stack up against secular programs.
"From the left to the right, everyone assumes that faith-based programs work," Mr. Johnson said. "Even the critics of DiIulio and his office haven't denied that. We hear that and just sit back and laugh. In terms of empirical evidence that they work, it's pretty much nonexistent."
"They'll hand you a three-page in-house report," Mr. Johnson said, "showing that they reached 1,300 people that year. But what does 'reach' mean? That's not going to cut it."
Social scientists have pointed out that the 86 percent success rate of Teen Challenge is misleading. It does not count the people who dropped out during the program. And like many religious and private charities, Teen Challenge picks its clients.
Before they are accepted, most of the addicts have already been through detoxification programs, said the Rev. John D. Castellani, president of Teen Challenge International U.S.A. In the program's first four-month phase, Mr. Castellani said, 25 to 30 percent drop out, and in the next eight months, 10 percent more leave.
This raises questions for David Reingold, a researcher at the Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs. A study Mr. Reingold has just completed of social services in Indiana found that religious programs are more likely than their secular counterparts to limit the clientele they serve. As a result, Mr. Reingold said, "It's an extreme exaggeration to say that religious organizations are more effective."
Sunday, March 11, 2007
The inquiries were about whether a judge can really sentence you to go to Teen Challenge or not. The answer is yes, a judge may court order you to complete Teen Challenge. If you do not complete the program you will violate your terms of probation and then you will have to complete your full jail or prison sentence!
Here are several court files that prove this:
STATE OF OHIO v. BARTLEY S. MEADOWS (One count of felonious assault and one count of aggravated burglary.)
STATE OF FLORIDA v. KEVIN DANIEL SMITH (Willfully violated two of the conditions of his community control.)
STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA v DAVID BENJAMIN TURNER (Violated the terms and conditions of his probation in all four cases- felonious larceny, larceny of a firearm and possession of stolen goods. Eight consolidated charges, including breaking and entering a motor vehicle, breaking and entering a residence, felonious larceny, and felonious financial card theft.)
STATE OF TENNESSEE v. RONALD EUGENE PURDY (Probation violation for aggravated burglary, a Class C felony.)
STATE OF MISSOURI v. RICKY LEE BEACH (First degree armed robbery.)
STATE OF TENNESSEE v. BILLY M. HIGGINS (The defendant was convicted on December 10, 2001, of one count of delivery of .5 grams or more of cocaine, a Class B felony, and one count of delivery of under .5 grams of cocaine, a Class C felony.)
STATE OF TENNESSEE v. GREGORY SCOTT ALLISON (Burglary, a Class D felony, and misdemeanor theft.)
Monday, March 05, 2007
Excerpt from page 15 of the Saint Louis Teen Challenge Application: "8. I release Teen Challenge from all financial or legal responsibilities in case of accident, injury, illness or other misfortune."
Saturday, March 03, 2007
"I/We, ______________________________________, parent(s), guardian(s), or conservator(s) of _____________________________, a minor child born on _______________, hereby agree that he/she can enroll in Minnesota Teen Challenge Academy (MTCA), a 12-month Christian residential rehabilitative program. I/We further agree that I/we relieve MTCA, its Staff, Employees, Students, and Board Members from any responsibility or liability for any damages to him or his property during his residence at MTCA or during any related travel and/or activities. I/We also agree to release, hold harmless, and relinquish all rights to pursue any cause of action whatsoever against MTCA, its Staff, Employees, Students, and Board Members if a student voluntarily leaves MTCA or for any damages incurred during his/her residence."
Link location: http://www.mntc.org/pdf/LC_Adolescent.pdf
I think you may have to register at the FindLaw website to review this case so I am posting the specifics so you can find it just in case the link I posted doesn't take you directly to it-
Cooper v. Aspen Skiing Company.
| |
SUPREME COURT, STATE OF COLORADO Two East 14th Avenue Denver, Colorado 80203 Certiorari to the Colorado Court of Appeals Court of Appeals Case No. 99CA187 | Case No. 00SC885 |
Friday, March 02, 2007
I also highly recommend that you print out and compare this fact sheet to the Teen Challenge Daily Schedule , the in-depth Overview of the Teen Challenge Program and the Student Guidelines. You will be amazed by how many of the warning signs that the START Fact Sheet points out that are happening at Teen Challenge!
Also, to get a better picture of the program, below I have included the Daily Schedule just in case Teen Challenge pulls it off of the only website they have it posted on. (It took a lot of searching through there many websites to find this schedule!)

This schedule reeks of total conversion to their specific religious belief system, which is the primary purpose of Teen Challenge! As I've stated before- Teen Challenge's main goal is to recruit you so they can convert you to their extremely 'hyper-religious' religion!
Link location of the Daily Schedule: http://www.tcfarm.org/About/daily.html
Link location of the Overview of the Teen Challenge Program: http://www.tcfarm.org/About/program.html
Link location of Student Guidelines: http://tcmid.org/documents/Guidelines_jan07.pdf
Monday, February 19, 2007

-The last statistically significant evaluation of the Teen Challenge program was in 1975, which was done by The National Opinion Research Center of the University of Chicago. They developed the survey instrument, located survey participants, conducted the personal interviews, and obtained a urine sample to test for drugs. The National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) funded the first year of the study. The evaluation came from a sample of Pennsylvania Teen Challenge graduates from 1968!
-A total of 186 persons, divided into 3 groups, were interviewed for this project:
- P1=70 people (students that entered Brooklyn Teen Challenge, but dropped out and never attended the Rehrersburg program.)
- P2=52 people (students that completed the Brooklyn program who later dropped out of the Rehrersburg program.)
- P3=64 people (graduates of the Rehrersburg Training Center program.)
So, if 43 graduates remained marijuana and heroin-free 7 years after this survey, what about the other 21 graduates and the remaining 143 people who dropped out of the program? Also, the test results do not indicate whether the graduates tested positive for other drugs such as alcohol, other narcotics or nicotine!
This study suggested that Teen Challenge had a success rate of 86%. But Bill McColl, executive director of the National Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors, dismisses both the statistic and the study. He states that the study was done too long ago and conducted with an extraordinarily small sample group. This leads us to believe that this study has almost no statistical validity. I tend to side with his opinion.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Upon reading the excerpts and original posts, you will also realize that many people are complaining about many issues, including:
- Teen Challenge staff are not returning phone calls to concerned family members.
- Teen Challenge staff closely monitor conversations and visits so as not to allow the person who is in for treatment to be able to tell their family members exactly what is happening or has happened to them (or others) while in Teen Challenge.
- Teen Challenge staff will actually disconnect telephone conversations when either party mentions something they do not think is appropriate.
- Teen Challenge staff reprimands your loved one using various forms of punishment as discipline that you may not approve of.
- Teen Challenge severely limits contact with the outside world during the entire one-year (or more) stay at Teen Challenge.
- Teen Challenge staff have also been accused of physical, mental and spiritual abuse.
- Very high drop-out rates that will completely change the publics perception of those incredibly high success rates that Teen Challenge continually boasts about.
Friday, February 16, 2007

Teen Challenge is offered as a Drug & Alcohol Treatment Center not only for teenagers, but also for adults. The program seems to be based solely on the fact that a person can literally 'pray away' their alcoholism and drug addiction. As far as I can tell, the program is not even certified because it uses pastoral counselors instead of licensed clinical counselors. This has led me to do some research to find out what Teen Challenge is really all about and I highly recommend that you do the same before either admitting your teenager or yourself into it! (I feel sorry for the people who join while they are incarcerated. Teen Challenge does alot of their recruiting in jails and prisons! Nothing like getting you when you're already down, hey?)
Based on my findings, I feel that Teen Challenge should be classified as a brainwashing cult. Why? Well, first click here to view their Daily Schedule. (If you spend some time exploring their many websites across the U.S. and world, you will find that this schedule is rarely modified and strictly adhered to. You will also find that their Daily Schedule is quite hard to find!) Note how the schedule incorporates the daily times for the morning Devotions, Praise & Prayer and evening Devotions. From what I've heard, after you wake up and right before bedtime are when your subconscious is the most susceptible to change.
I printed out the schedule so I could evaluate just how many hours per day and week that a person would be required to spend doing the religious aspect of the program. I also realized that Lecture, PACE and Study Hall are all centered on the Bible. So, if you add up those times with the amount of time you needed for Devotions and Praise & Prayer, you realize that the students pretty much 'live & breathe' religion the good part of the day, every day, for an entire year!!!
I was also amazed at how many hours are spent in church on Sunday! The students must attend church, not once, but twice every Sunday!!! This totals 6-1/4 hours of solid religious programing every Sunday, not to mention the 1/2 hour that is spent doing the daily Devotion forty-five minutes after waking up that morning!
This is an Overview of the Teen Challenge Program. Some of their websites call it 'The Student Manual'. This site calls it Student Guidelines. (I recommend reading both of them in their entirety!) Regardless of what it is called, it is also very hard to find because most of the Teen Challenge websites do not offer it! (I wonder why? Is it because they don't want the public to know?) I also wonder if new 'recruits' are informed of these very strict rules before they are admitted. Strict dress-codes, no television, no contact with boyfriend / girlfriend / friends, no speaking to the opposite sex unless you have permission, very limited telephone usage, 5-min. showers? The list of no-no's goes on & on!
Here is their Global Teen Challenge Worldwide Directory. If you dig deep enough, you may be able to uncover a few more of their secrets that aren't disclosed on most of their websites!
Another good place to start finding out more would be to read the Proselytizing Report about Teen Challenge from the website of The Rick A. Ross Institute For The Study Of Destructive Cults, Controversial Groups and Movements.
Personally, I highly recommend doing some serious investigating before either admitting your teenager or yourself into it! And if you know someone who is incarcerated that is thinking about applying to this faith-healing treatment center, let them know what your findings are!
Also, ask questions! Ask others if they agree that Teen Challenge very aggressively pushes their religious beliefs upon those who do not share them and whose main goal is to recruit you so they can convert you to their extremely 'hyper-religious' religion. And don't forget to ask others if they sometimes have to behave like Holy Rollers / Jesus Freaks who roll around on the floor and 'speak in tongues' in an uncontrolled manner.